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Mark of the Ninja


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Much recommended this.

It's a stealth game, 2D side-view, made by the people who did Shank and the N+ XBLA port.
It's got great reviews and I've only done the tutorial bit so far but it's looking pretty good. The feedback on your surroundings is excellent so you can see the waves of sound of how far away people can hear your footsteps or enemies' field of vision using the MGS light cone.

You get bonus points for not being detected or not killing people which will be quite the challenge. Give the trial a go.
Oh, also if this had been in the Summer of Arcade, it wouldn't have been seen as such a damp squib.

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Got a bit further in now, really enjoying it.

I'm rubbish at not getting spotted and I've been killing a lot so there's much to do when I go back over the levels again.

It's best described as the sneaking bits from Batman : Arkham Asylum but in 2D.

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Tried the demo last night, enjoyed it, definitely pick it up at some point I think.

Same here. I was wary because the trial of Shank was pretty but extremely boring, but I thought this was really good.

If I can put down Guild Wars 2 for a couple of hours, I'll pick it up.

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I'm having great fun with this, bought a couple of new moves so I can hang from the ceiling and string people up to terrify the guards or just leap down and stealth kill from above.

Batman in 2D!

I reckon it'll be quite the challenge to do it with no kills because some alarms are disabled when guards walk through them so the easiest option is to kill a guard and move the body underneath the laser trip.

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Approaching the end of this now, will most definitely be going back over previous levels. Might also try the NG+.

I hope more people try it because it deserves to be played, though if you'd rather, one of the devs more or less said, "yeah they'll be a PC version".

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  • 2 weeks later...

Coming to Steam soon.

Remember that moment in Batman: Arkham [batplace] when you figured out you could perch atop a gargoyle and just mess with people? Confuse them, terrify them, boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew, etc? Well, Mark of the Ninja‘s a lot like that, except with more weapons of mass distraction and in 2D. Also, there are swords. It is, in other words, among the better stealth games to skulk out of the shadows in a long while, and – as many suspected – it’s officially headed to PC. Details on when, where, and what that suspicious sound you just heard was are after the break.

Steam! Mark of the Ninja will be leaving its mark on Steam, and its mark just so happens to be a videogame. Having dealt with a variety of other ninjas, I’m fairly thankful for that. It’ll be out on October 16th for $14.99.

Encouragingly, Klei seems very dedicated to doing this port up in proper fashion. Lead designer Nels Anderson told me that Klei’s currently tweaking mouse-and-keyboard controls until they’re just so, and he also noted that Games For Windows Live absolutely, positively won’t be involved in any way, shape, or form.

“I’m primarily a PC person myself, and I’m not okay in any way with this feeling like a shoddy port,” said Anderson. “It’s my intention that this is a full, proper version of the game in its own right.”

I’ll be speaking with Anderson at length a bit later this week, and I’ve gotten some hands-on time with an early build, so expect tons more soon.

Oh, right, the weird sound you heard earlier. Yeah, it was absolutely a ninja. You’re dead now. Sorry about that.

I'll be idly waiting for the sale.

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Got this yesterday, just played the first 3 levels, really enjoying it. Just like Hendo says its 2d stealth and it works really well. It seems tough but fair, I keep getting spotted and dying a lot but you never lose much progress after a death. So yeah, good stuff.

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Finished this last night, it continued to be really good the whole way through, so that's good. I also continued to die and get spotted a lot. Really struggled on one bit because I didn't realise how a certain power you get near the end works. And what did people choose at the end? I'd not been paying too much attention to the story till then, but that bit at the end I found pretty interesting.

I killed myself, she seemed like the bio shock guide bloke, and it seemed like I was going to die anyway from the paint, but I'm not really sure if that was a good choice or not, so will have to go back and try the other ending, although I suspect that won't clear anything up either.

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Tried getting back into this but I'm failing to get back into the swing of it. I've got a little further, past the point where you think the game will end and the enemies get harder.

Might go back and try to perfect the earlier levels first.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Got the 400G on this just now, such an amazing game, plus many different ways to play it.

I went down the terror route the first time, pouring fear into soilder's eyes was satisfying, then stealth killing them to string them up to lamposts for his allies to see. Second time i went for the speed run.

You get a sense of achievement when you upgrade, giving you more ways to dispatch of enemies.

Highly recommend this game, one of the best ones this year.

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  • 7 months later...

I've never been good at stealth games as I have the urge to kill baddies when I see them, while yelling NIPPLE SALADS! Nipple salads... NIPPLE SALADS!!!!! So I will admit I have died quite a bit in the first few levels Mark of the Ninja, but I've enjoyed ever bit of this game so far.

The gameplay - puzzles, combat and stealth is solid and reminds me of the old 2D Ninja Gaiden games. I love the "sound sense" that the guards work off of to hear and locate you. I was surprised to see that Mark of the Ninja dose not need Microsofts GFWL client like most of their games on Steam. This game is highly recommend.

Anyone else playing this?

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  • 1 month later...

What the hell happened to Kurosaki? He posted quite a bit and then vanished, like a mystical posting ninja.

Anyway, I've started playing this. It's proper good isn't it? Like I feel that stealth cannot be done any better than this. It's also worth noting that the animation is amazingly well done too. It looks like there's loads of different frames per animation without making the game feels like the characters you're controlling feel like they've loads of inertia, particularly when you start fighting face to face, the smoothness of those frames is better than most profession animation, never mind game animation.

The only bad thing I can really say is the voiceovers in it are all kinds of lame. I don't know if they're meant to be English, Australian or South African. I find it odd they went to the lengths they did with the game and then skimp on that.

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I'm still loving this. The level of design is totally astounding. Even when it looks like there's only one option for you to take, after you've carried it out you sort of realise you could have tacked it in other ways, apart from the parts where it's sort of tutoring you to learn whatever mechanic it's introducing.

I'm impressed with it. Everytime I play it it impresses me more. Klei Entertainment just jumped right upon my radar for any future games they put out.

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This game's rapidly climbing up my favourite titles I've played this year.

I love the little optional quests it gives you, instead of me going in and doing the objective I start prowling about trying to read the best way I can go about getting the extra points. The missions where you've to get through certain areas with really tight restrictions are the best, when you drop down off a wall or a jump and you're literally touching the guards, chaining these moments into each other before you slink off into the darkness. It's pretty much perfect.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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