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Anomaly : Warzone Earth


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got a free copy of anomaly warzone earth on xbox the other week, never would have bought it, but turns out it's great, like a backwards tower defence game, you pick your path and tank types/formation, you get money to buy upgrades/new tanks, and you control a little dude who can pickup abilities from fallen enemies, it can get quite tactical picking your path/tank formation/power usage, and frantic when things kick off. there's some enemies that do stuff you wouldn't expect later on that keep it interesting. single player story is quite short but there's quite a few extra missions and 3 difficulties for everything. i found easy difficulty to be well judged for me. so yeah really enjoyed it.

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Yeah I've been meaning to start a thread on that. Or have I already? I can't remember.

I've got it on iOS and on XBLA and it is actually two different campaigns as the XBLA version gives you a little man to control to do your bidding but the iOS (and I presume PC) version you scroll around and place stuff where you want. The actual missions are different though too.

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I'll split this off tomorrow morning as I've been playing the pc version, and that has a little dude you control too

I don't particularly like the setting but it's a good game. It all sort of clicked when I realised that you should alter your path often. It's really good fun when you've got a good squad and go hunting for turrets

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I'm surprised the PC version has you control a little man, I would've thought it would be point and click with the mouse.

This is the XBLA version in action:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tSH0RFwW1rs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

this is the iPad version:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eZNGi5IilGY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The guy playing the iPad one just sucks though.

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it is, but it's point and click control for the on foot guy.

I'm on one of the Japanese levels, I need to stop my carrier from being spotted. My tanks might draw fire away, and I draw it away to a point, but the tanks route is either too fast or too slow. I'm sure it'll be really obvious but I think a trip to google is in order

Edit: duh, just use the dummy drops :facepalm:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Along with the iOS version currently on sale, apparently the XBLA version is going for 320 points at the moment, so if you're interested, go for it.

The PC version is going for £3.60 as well.

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apparently the XBLA version is going for 320 points at the moment

Bought. :)

Gave the trial a quick go and although it only gives you a small glimpse of the game, it was enough for me to say yeah I'm going to drop a couple quid on this.

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