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Sly Reflex

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  • 2 weeks later...

Downloaded them all overnight, if for no other reason than to test my new net connection. It's slightly faster than my old place.

Worth noting that the Motorstorm game is cross-play so it's on both Vita and PS3.

I also bought PixelJunk Monsters in the horror sale.

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I've got Remember Me and Motorstorm RC both downloading and will probably leave it going while I'm at work and play them when I'm back.

I was gonna download Rising too and have another go at the bastard hard mode but I don't have 19gigs to spare I'm afraid. That's definitely the biggest game I've tried top download from PS+.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For December:

Entering PS Plus:

  • 29th November: Resogun
  • 29th November: Contrast
  • 27th November: GRID 2
  • 27th November: Guacamelee! (Cross Buy)
  • 27th November: Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed
  • 27th November: Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories

Leaving PS Plus:

  • 27th November: Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
  • 27th November: Jak and Daxter Trilogy
  • 27th November: MotorStorm RC
  • 27th November: Oddworld Strangers Wrath

I think the Sonic racing game may only be for Vita which would be a shame.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another good looking selection. I wonder what the plan is for PS3 content on Plus now the PS4 is out. I imagine it'll carry on as it is for a while, as the PS4 builds up a back catalogue.

I downloaded Guacamelee and GRID 2. Guacamelee sounds pretty cool, but I would probably never get around to buying it, so getting it on plus is handy.

I'm treating GRID 2 as a big demo. Given a choice I'd rather not try to play it with a dualshock3, so if I like it I'll look out for a good deal on PC.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

gaikai has had its name changed to Playstation Now, there's a beta soon in the US, and it's getting a release proper in the summer (my guess is right after their e3 conference)


apparently they demoed it showing Last of Us on a vita. It's also going to be a subscription model and will support ps1, ps2, and ps3 games (who knows how many of them)

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