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Sly Reflex

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I don't get why they're remastering recent games that a) still look absolutely fine and b) run on their current platform. I played Last of Us 2 on a standard PS4 and that was such a visually spectacular game it would never have crossed my mind to ask for more or to buy an upgraded port five years later.


They should remaster Killzone 2, Motorstorm, Folklore, all those inaccessible PS3 games that often ran like poop. 


(Also, I saw someone mention that they got the 20th anniversary edition PS4 when that came out. That's a double wammy of making you feel old.)

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49 minutes ago, Maryokutai said:


They should remaster Killzone 2, Motorstorm, Folklore, all those inaccessible PS3 games that often ran like poop.

Dude, yes. They’re so many PS3 games that would be much cooler. Killzone and Motorstorm are great shouts (although I would prefer reboots, I would take a remake)


But also the Resistance games. Especially 1 & 2, those games were rad


The other thing that keeps coming up is if they want to do a remaster of a PS4 game that will make people happy - Bloodborne is sitting right there


I used to think maybe there was a tech reason Bloodborne didn’t get a 60fps patch or anything else. But after all the cracked PS4 and emulated versions now I think is it a licensing thing. Does Fromsoft or whoever also have to give the nod for something in that series to happen? I dunno. 

But if they want to remake something. I mean, they’re not deaf. I don’t understand why Horizon or Days Gone. I think probably because it’s just comparatively cheap 

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I feel somewhat like Sony sort of have a bee in their bonnet about 'prestige' gaming that's fenced them in a bit. They want to curate this portfolio of HBO-esque looking titles with powerful storytelling as their central pillar, you see it a bit on their PS Studios MCU-like logo. Not really intending to repeat the subject of the thread the past few weeks but I only mention it cause it feels like why these less 'prestigious' games mentioned above get the cold shoulder by modern PS


Of course Astro Bot proves this isn't the case probably, or at least that it may no longer be the case going forward hopefully


Killzone 2 is one of those few PS3 games that doesn't need an upgrade at all tho, it's sort of perfectly matched by the machine's capabilities. It uses its filters, FOV and camera in a way that kinda preserves that game's aesthetic in amber. Albeit it makes it feel like crap on a gameplay level, but it was a game about a particular visual presentation above game feel


Would be nice to actually have it available on something other than a PS3 tho

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Just skimmed through it, I think this was okay, certainly better than the last few Playstation shows.


Highlights for me were Midnight Walk (thank god they're not only doing that roguelike), the Lunar collection, that super generic looking Fantasy RPG and Ghost of Yôtai. I suppose I would have mentioned the LoK remasters here as well if they hadn't leaked before.


The Palworld announcement is super unlucky timing though, ouch.

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