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Sly Reflex

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Man I hope that's true, I'm not sure why a Turkish retailer would be told this early but it is possible reps have been speaking to retailers. The PS2 I can see not being a problem at all, PS3 seems like it'd be a nightmare to emulate thanks to the CELL, but I've never looked in to it so who knows. I do remember a patent on emulation from Sony last year 

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I don't really see the point but maybe it's just hard to grasp the situation if you're living in Europe. I mean there are countries on this planet where whatever happens right now in the US happens 365 days of the year.


Not that it matters in the end, we'll get to see that stuff at some point in the future anyway. It's not like it has disappeared forever (unlike E3☹️).

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It’s hardly surprising. Not exactly a good time to be calling the hype train.

To be honest, I’m not currently arsed about next gen. I have a ton of games on my PS4, last thing I need is to get a PS5. And there’s enough this year to keep me occupied. So i’m not day-one-ing this regardless.

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Haha,  not quite how I’d put it!

I’ll definitely get a PS5, for sure. But I don’t feel the need to buy it day one. This year alone, we’ve still got Last Of Us 2, Ghost, Yakuza 7, Assassins Creed Valhalla, and Cyberpunk. And no doubt some other stuff that will be digital. 

So for me, I’d rather make the most of my PS4, and attempt to get through my backlog. 

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1 minute ago, Nag said:


Yeah, I Googled it earlier @one-armed dwarf... some Russian site or something? After seeing what Microsoft has done with the Series X anyone thinking Sony were going to be able to build some dainty little thing was deluding themselves.


Not the best source but https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/01/ps5-will-twice-thick-ps4-pro-claims-leaker-has-unusual-detail-12785974/


Wonder if high framerate is why were seeing these large form factors. They are billing these things as 120hz capable machines. I just got a 144hz monitor and it's the first time I've seen my GPU get maxed out. Gets a bit toasty but with PC you have all that space for air to flow.


Will be cool when high FPS TVs become more available and affordable. Think LG already have one.


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Yeah kinda, your TV refresh rate determines how many frames it can display (that is my crude barely technical explanation).


I mean there's a lot more to it than that but I don't really understand it all. Most of our TVs are 60hz


Also next gen will offer variable refresh rate (FreeSync), so the refresh rate can change on the fly so you won't get screen tearing when frames drop (but only if you have a supported TV or monitor)


It's also a big thing for reduction of input lag

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