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Bought the Vietnam expansion. Worth every point, havent played a huge amount due to an annoying connection but I love the feel to it so far, plus theyve improved the iron sights a fair deal which is an added plus.

The maps are different to the normal BC2 type, especially in areas filled with trenches. The guns are even more fun to use than before and the flamethrower is just awesome.

ive really enjoyed it so far. This may be slightly fanboyish but it is far better value than any of the Black Ops map packs short of maybe the zombies maps.

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Official deal of the week is L.A. Noire Rockstar Pass which is selling for 640 points.

Other stuff is from Rockstar:


The Lost and Damned - 400 800 points

The Ballad of Gay Tony - 800 1200 points

L.A. Noire

Slip of the Tongue Case - 160 320 points

The Naked City Vice Case - 160 320 points

Midnight Club L.A.

South Central Ultimate Content Pack - 500 1000 points

Red Dead Redemption

Undead Nightmare Collection - 1000 1600 points

Undead Nightmare Pack - 400 800 points

Liars and Cheats Pack - 400 800 points

Legends and Killers Pack - 400 800 points

Xbox Originals

Max Payne - 800 1200 points

Max Payne 2 - 800 1200 points

Some proper bargains in there. Max Payne 2 for 800 points, Undead Nightmare for 400, Lost and Damned for 400!

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Deals for the next 2 weeks:

20th-26th September

Gyromancer - 600 Points (50 per cent off)

Portal: Still Alive - 600 Points (50 per cent off)

Bejeweled Blitz LIVE - 200 Points (50 per cent off)

ilomilo - 400 Points (50 per cent off)

27th September to 3rd October

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes - 800 Points (33 per cent off)

Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale - 800 Points (33 per cent off)

I think I'll be picking up Might & Magic next week, then. :)

Bargains for this week, ilomilo, Portal and 200 points for Bejeweled.

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27th September to 3rd October

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes - 800 Points (33 per cent off)

Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale - 800 Points (33 per cent off)

In addition to the DotW, there's also a mutha-load of other reduced stuff this week!

Full games:

-Trials HD = 600 M$

-Section 8 Predjudice = 800 M$

-Outland = 400 M$

-The Maw = 400 M$

-Monday Night Combat = 600 M$

-Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime = 400 M$

-Trouble Witches = 400 M$

-Moon Diver = 600 M$

-Islands of Wakfu = 400 M$

-Serious Sam HD = 400 M$

-Shank = 600 M$

-Blade Kitten = 400 M$

-Bionic Commando Rearmed = 400 M$

-Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 = 600 M$

-Star Raiders = 400 M$

-Yar's Revenge = 600 M$

There's a load of Add-On stuff in the sale too (see below), plus special 'one day only' offers on Friday!

I've grabbed Might&Magic:CoH & OutLand, also tempted to pick up Section 8 seeing as all the DLC for it is on offer as well...

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-Dragon Age Origins - Awakenings = 1200 M$

-Assassins Creed 2 - Battle of Forli = 160 M$ / Bonfire of Vanities = 280 M$

-Section 8 Prejudice - Blitz Pack = 120 M$ / Overdrive = 160 M$ / Frontier Colonies = 160 M$

There's also a Halo Reach theme & various bits of Avatat going cheap but nobody cares about that rubbish...

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Can't answer that as I'm one of those muppets that buys through the dashboard, but I would like to say that Outland is downloading now! Really liked the trial so hung onto it for a price drop and here we are. :)

The only other thing I don't have that I'd be tempted by is Section 8 but struggled with the demo and now is not the right time to invest time or money in another shooter for me.

Ass Creed II DLC worth a look?

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I think the ACII DLC was meant to be really short and shit.

I bought Outland which seems pretty decent although every now and then I will find I am horribly uncoordinated and randomly change colours resulting in much pain and eventually death. I also bought Ilomilo from last weeks sale which is a nice enough puzzle game until you get to the fucking bonus stages :angry:

Still got some points left if there is anything decent in the one day sale but I am guessing it will be Shadow Complex, Limbo and something else I already own. They seem to pop up quite often in these sales.

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Surely it's worth 240? £2?

I bought it when it was down to 400 points I think and it was okay. Some decent moments in there but it has one of the worst endings I have seen for quite some time. If you can even call it an ending, it just kind of stops when you get to a certain point. The main character is like, "let's go do this last objective!" *roll credits* Very odd.

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This week:

Doom 2 - 400msp

Quake Arena - 400msp

Fallout 3 - All DLC is now half price

FO: New Vegas - Dead Money & Honest Hearts - 400msp

Oblivion - Shivering Isles - 1200msp, Knights of the Nine - 400msp

Catan - 400msp (50% off)

Magic The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers - 400msp (50% off)

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s - 400msp (50% off)

Hasbro Family Game Night – Battleship - 400msp (50% off)

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I bought Magic 2012 since I always liked the look of it but was too poor to buy them when I was young and probably too lazy to read the rules anyway. Dunno if the game is 'encouraging' me to buy some more decks or if it just likes being a cunt but so far the cards I have seem pretty useless. At one point I wasn't given any of the cards I needed to cast spells which meant that the AI just slowly murdered me and then when I retried it used some card that did 14 damage (your starting health is 20) and forces you to sacrifice 4 cards per turn. Probably just too cool for it.

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