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Another SEGA/Sonic sale is up for the moment:

Sonic 1 - 240msp

Sonic 2 - 240msp

Sonic 3 - 240msp

Sonic & Knuckles - 120msp

Sonic Adventure - 400msp

Sonic Adventure DX Upgrade - 240msp

SONIC 4 Episode I - 800msp

Sonic & Sega Racing Metal Sonic & Death Egg Zone - 320msp

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well i can't say it's really good if i haven't played it :awe:

tried the trial of gattling gears just now, was slightly tempted, it starts off pretty boring but gets better, but also says 10 hours gameplay which put me right off. that and the movement is odd and you can get stuck on stuff when trying to dodge. trial is pretty lengthy though so that's good.

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tried the trial of gattling gears just now, was slightly tempted, it starts off pretty boring but gets better, but also says 10 hours gameplay which put me right off. that and the movement is odd and you can get stuck on stuff when trying to dodge. trial is pretty lengthy though so that's good.

Yeah, I just gave the trial a blast to see if it's worth picking up, but didn't like it... Assault Heroes did that shiz better like 5 years ago!

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This week's deal of the week:

Hydrophobia 400pts

Red Faction Battlegrounds 400pts

Bulletstorm Gun Sonata DLC 400pts

Bulletstorm Blood Symphony DLC 400pts

and Splinter Cell : Conviction DLC Deniable Ops: Insurgency is sitting there as well but hasn't had it's price announced yet, I'd guess down to 400.

Ah, Hydrophobia - the game they can't give away!

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This week:

Gatling Gears - 400msp

BioShock 2: Minerva’s Den - 400msp

Borderlands Claptrap New Revolutions - 400msp

Metal Arms: Glitch In The System - 800msp

Activision Publisher Game Content Sale – Games on demand, Add-ons, and more from the “Call of Duty” franchise. Up to 50% off.

I can recommend Gatling Gears, it's got hard right at the end though. And Minerva's Den is (as always) essential if you have Bioshock 2.

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Stolen from rllmuk, the Call of Duty deals this week:

Call of Duty Classic - 600msp (not sure about this, some are reporting it's 600msp, others are saying it's still 1200msp)

MW2 Stimulus and Resurgence Pack- 600msp

COD World at War- Map Pack Bundle - 1000msp

COD World at War- Map Pack 1,2, and 3- 400msp

COD Modern Warfare- Variety Map Pack - 400msp

COD 2 and 3 DLC - 200msp (exception - Invasion Map Pack for COD 2 is 400msp}

Zombies Ascension and regular Zombie premium themes - 120msp

Modern Warfare 2 Tactial and Abstract premium themes - 120msp

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Gatling Gears is great. I wasn't taken with the demo but picked it up on a whim when it was 400 points and was pleasantly surprised. Only problem for me was that the last level and the final boss were shit. Really shit. It went from a really mellow but challenging game to bullets and enemies all over the place in the space of a minute. Not cool.

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This week is Battlefield : Bad Company 2 stuff:

Onslaught Mode - 200 400 points

BFBC2 Vietnam - 600 1200 points

Bad Company™ 2 VIP - 400 800 points

Bad Company™ 2 Vietnam Theme - 120 240 points

Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 Theme - 120 240 points

Picked up the Onslaught Mode for 200 points, seemed rude not to.

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