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Some of those Sega games are actually cheaper than that list above:

Streets Of Rage 2: 200MSP

Ecco: 200MSP

Happy Tree Friends: 400MSP

Phantasy Star 2: 200MSP

Gunstar Heroes: 200MSP

Crazy Taxi: 400MSP

AfterBurner Climax: 400MSP

Altered Beast: 200MSP

Comix Zone: 200MSP

Virtual-On: 600MSP

Golden Axe: 200MSP

Outrun Online Arcade: 400MSP

Shinobi: 200MSP

Sonic 4 Ep 1: 800MSP

Sonic Adventure: 400MSP

Sonic The Hedgehog: 200MSP

Sonic 2: 200MSP

Sonic 3: 200MSP

Sonic and Knuckles: 120MSP

Altered Beast is 200 points too much.

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I think the only one there worthy of attention is Outrun. The rest are wank. SEGA are like one of those bands you loved as a kid and then when you grow up you put their albums on and realise that they are shit.

I was always a fan of SEGA stuff when I was a kid, but I'd find it hard to recommend most of their back catalogue now. Most of it has aged so so bad it isn't even funny.

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I think the only one there worthy of attention is Outrun.

Some of those Sega games are actually cheaper than that list above:

Streets Of Rage 2: 200MSP

Phantasy Star 2: 200MSP

Gunstar Heroes: 200MSP

Crazy Taxi: 400MSP

AfterBurner Climax: 400MSP

Comix Zone: 200MSP

Virtual-On: 600MSP

Outrun Online Arcade: 400MSP

Sonic 4 Ep 1: 800MSP

Sonic The Hedgehog: 200MSP

Sonic 2: 200MSP

Sonic 3: 200MSP

Sonic and Knuckles: 120MSP

you could argue about the port of Crazy Taxi, but the rest all still have something to offer

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In addition to DotW, they're also doing another, pretty naff, sale thing:

Blast From the Past Deals (runs from April 26th to June 3rd)

Banjo-Kazooie 1200 MSP 600 MSP

Contra 400 MSP 200 MSP

RISK: Factions 800 MSP 400 MSP

Street Fighter II Hyper Fighter 400 MSP 200 MSP

Risk again!! :lol:

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Castlevania cheap stuff this week:

Castlevania Symphony of the Night - 400msp

Castlevania Harmony of Despair - 600msp

Extra Stage: Lord of Flies - 160msp

Extra Stage: The Legend of Fuma - 120msp

Extra Stage: The One Who Is Many - 160msp

Extra Stage: Origins - 120msp

Extra Stage: Beauty, Desire, Situation Dire - 200msp

Those are the prices I'd expect to pay at most for a HoD stage.

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Next week it's Pirate themed. The following are going to be 50% off, between May 17 and 23.

Age of Booty - 200MSP

Deadliest Warrior - 400MSP

Deadliest Warrior Pirate Outfits - 160MSP

The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition - 400MSP

Monkey Island LeChuck Pirate Suit - 120MSP

Monkey Island Pirate Telescope - 80MSP

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's pretty much the same as the avatat stuff - pointless, and yet no-one kicks up a fuss about that.

Bet they make a killing on it as there's always people on my friends list who have bought stuff. I'm pretty sure I haven't bought anything as yet.

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Only avatar stuff I have is from games that dish them out, along with a few redeem codes through promotional stuff. I've come close to buying stuff a few times, but when you look at the price of the stuff and the amount of time it makes to create, I'd rather spend elsewhere.

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Unconfirmed as yet but this week's deals should be:

Rock Band 3 DLC - Motley Crue's Dr Feelgood, Judas Priest's Screaming for Vengeance, Avenged Sevenfold Pack and All That Remains Pack. - 33% off

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  • 3 weeks later...

PopCap games are this week's DotW.

Bejeweled Blitz 800 > 200

Bejeweled 2 800 > 400

Peggle 800 > 400

Peggle Nights 400 > 200

Plants vs. Zombies 1200 > 600

Feeding Frenzy 400 > 200

Feeding Frenzy 2 800 > 400

Zuma 400 > 200

Heavy Weapon 800 > 400

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