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Just started Black Doves on Netflix which is off to a great start.


After we'd been thinking of trying Mad Men... with seven seasons that's a bit of a commitment, anyone watched it? Is it worth it?

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I watched the first season back in the day and found it really good, I've no idea why I didn't continue watching it but it wasn't on account of its quality or anything. I think I might have watched some more, I dunno. I think possibly it's cause Breaking Bad stole my attention instead.


I doubt I could stick 7 seasons of it without a hiatus in the middle. It is after all about a bunch of horrible, overly-privileged people just drinking all the time and treating women like crap. But uh, somehow they made a really compelling drama out of it along the way. I suspect Mad Men enjoyers and Succession stans form a solid circle on a venn diagram

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11 hours ago, Nag said:

Just started Black Doves on Netflix which is off to a great start.


After we'd been thinking of trying Mad Men... with seven seasons that's a bit of a commitment, anyone watched it? Is it worth it?

Yeah seconded Mad Men being great. I didn't pick up on it immediately but it actually really funny 

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I think we talked about this somewhere and I don't know how impactful it is for the overarching narrative, but there's one episode missing on Netflix because they couldn't handle the political incorrectness. The rape episode was fine though.

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Reading online it looks like that episode was put back in and giving a disclaimer about how it's trying to historically contextualise it.


regardless I think for a long form narrative removing an entire episode would absolutely fuck the shit out of the overarching narrative. Cuts should be targeted to an offending scene, not just entire episodes delisted unless the whole episode is full of fucked up stuff. But it sounds like it's still there now


I remember watching a couple seasons of Sons of Anarchy, dunno how far I got but I think american TV shows just go on way too long. They just draaaaaag that shit out and lose what made them good.

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Mad Men is great! I think I might even have watched it all twice.

It sits below House MD in my list though (another hugely long series).


Sons of Anarchy was like Eastenders on bikes, total junk series as far as I could tell 🤷‍♂️


Is anyone else watching Severance?
I re-watched the first season last week and started the 2nd last night. IMO, it is really top tier TV. It takes it's time, lots of slow moments but done in a great looking way (a bit like Utopia, which is outstanding incase nobody has seen it!). I even started making notes to keep track of the small clues here and there. I really hope they share all of the secrets in the end, amazing mystery and I LOVE it :)

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I liked Sons of Anarchy back when it came out, but in hindsight it was a rather sensationalist drama about a bunch of assholes who solved every problem with violence and it didn't really have much to say. In that specific voyeuristic genre it's probably one of the better shows, but I don't think it's something I'd enjoy watching anymore. Like people have said it also went on way too long, I think starting with S3 you could already sense that they just kept repeating the same trick, just in a slightly more extreme way every time.

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It looks very nice too! I want to watch it again now we're talking about it.
You need to love the characters, like Billions - if you don't connect with the people it's likely a non-starter.

Some of them are pretty attractive, which also helps a lot 😅

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Yeah I wonder why nag is thinking of watching Mad Men, hmmm suspicious 🤔


I'd like to start it over, you can get the first couple blu rays really cheap it looks like. Cheaper than a 4k netflix sub. Except the final season, which is stupid expensive ffs

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I think we have them all on Bluray, that's a good point! Still no way to play them though 😂

I think if I was going to buy a series, it might be Succession.

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I did end up watching the new Severance, not to be too much of a hater but I found it sort of boring. It's going to drip feed these mysteries for the next couple months and I'm not sure I care anymore. 


I do still find the overarching theme of office drone work being a kinda existential horror interesting but the first season already explored this well enough.


Not to keep talking about David Lynch but I did see an interview with the cast where they sprung the news of his death on Patricia Arquette, which seemed a bit poor form as she was obviously very upset by it.

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That's OK - I think we're all OK with different opinions :)
It wasn't as good as the first season (yet) but I also NEEEEED to know what is going on 😅
I'm not going to watch it weekly though, I'll just blast it all at some point.


On the Lynch news, that sounds terrible!

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I wouldn't say poor, it's just different. There are new people and that is disconcerting as you get sooooo used to the core from series 1. 
I'm going to watch more and then decide, so much of the first episode was getting from the old to the new story I think.

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