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Playstation Home Goes Live


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I could just read the article i guess, but is it the whole thing or just the open beta, because they said the beta was coming first.

Also, any idea what the point of Home is, I honestly have no idea

Home, Ben? Its where the heart is! :lol::P

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Also, any idea what the point of Home is, I honestly have no idea

Advertising space. That's about it, really.

I was gonna leave it at that but I'm sure someone would think that was a fanboy-esque dig, what I mean is that in much the same way that NXE is also about advertising space and selling you virtual items. And riding the Second Life / World of Warcraft gravy train.

The Friends tab in NXE bugs me enough that I couldn't see the point in meeting up with your friends in Home.

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Am curious to see why Sony pumped so much of their time and resources into Home as i do not see the point of it at all.

It can't compete with something like second life... because second life thrives on the user created content. It sounds like Home is just a platform for Sony to generate some advertising revenue. They will have to keep piling resources into it too which is clearly taking cuts out of them patching up important things on the actual console.

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