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 Not sure on the physical release, might have to wait till I get paid and see how much cash I have spare. The new track is excellent, really looking forward to the album. Everything (bar Salival) is on streaming and digital now, so that solves how I listen in my car.

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So what do people think of the new Tool album? 


I'm still at the point where its blurring together for me. It took me months to click with Lateralus, it was only a mate forcing me to give it another try that got me to like it. Tool just seem like a band that need time to Parse 


Fear Inoculum is a great track but I heard that before the album came out, Descending is fantastic once it really kicks in, and Invincible starts really well 

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I haven't had much time to properly give it the attention it deserves, but I like what I've heard.

I think I instantly liked Lateralus, wasn't immediately taken with Aenima or 10,000 Days. The former is one of my favourite albums of all time now, the latter I've come to appreciate more recently, but it does suffer from being more of the same as Lateralus. Undertow is still the weakest album, the production and mix on that is very poor.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been listening to a lot of albums in the last few months.

Fontaines DC - Dogrel


Fantastic punk rock Irish album that has a very raw, natural sound that I love. Reminds me a little of Arctic Monkeys debut album but more punk-y.  Some great grooves when they start rocking out that I imagine sound even better live. And nice softer songs too. I think these guys are gonna be huge.


Sheer Mag - A Distant Call


I guess the closest comparison I can think of for Sheer Mag is AC/DC. Classic guitar rock with lots of solos. I don’t think it’s as good as their last album Need to Feel Your Love, which i fucking loved, but it still sounds great.

Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains


Wonderful album that gets better every time I listen to it. It’s basically a new Silver Jews album. The songs are predominantly about death and David Berman committed suicide not long after its release, which obviously hangs over the album. But the music is mostly far from down tempo.


Joan Shelley - Like the River Loves the Sea


I said that FONTAINES DC’s music has a raw quality that I really love, and Joan Shelley’s album has something similar, only in the musical tradition of someone like Gillian Welch (whose album The Harrow and the Harvest is one of my all time favourites). I wasn’t overly taken with the album at the beginning, but then I listened to it directly after listening to the highly produced, “put-on” sounding style of Lana Del Rey’s new album, and the simplicity and natural beauty of it hit me like a breath of fresh air.


Alex Cameron - Miami Memory


Maybe not as good as his brilliant last album, Forced Witness, but still another great album by Alex Cameron. I love his sound. He always has songs that will make you want to dance when you listen to them, and great ballads too. There’s even a song that’s kind of a sequel to Thin Lizzy’s The Boys are Back in Town called “Bad for the Boys”. He has quickly become one of my favourite current artists. I still think that the next step for him is to flesh out his sound, possibly by adding more instruments and more band members.


Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Ghosteen


I liked Push the Sky Away but I have to admit I gave up very quickly on Skeleton Tree, but I love this album. The music is just beautiful, and very affecting, with many parts seeming to be addressed to his his son (who died at 15) directly.


Big Thief - Two Hands


Earlier this year, Big Thief released a wonderful album called U.F.O.F. Initially I was put off by a very pretentious review on Pitchfork which I guess influenced my reaction to the album when I first listened to it. But then when I went back a few months later and listened to it again, I was blown away by it. It was one of the most beautiful things I’d heard in a long while. It was definitely at a higher artistic level than their earlier (great) albums and I guess to an extent they sacrificed that first-listen accessibility. They created a kind of unique (musical) world with the beautiful guitar playing and whispered vocals.


Their second album of 2019, Two Hands, goes back to the indie guitar rock sound of their earlier albums, but they have maintained the ridiculously high standard of UFOF. Two Hands just consists of one stunning song after another, with the centerpiece “Not” probably the best song they have made, but it makes more sense in the context of the album, where it is kind of the album’s emotional boiling point. I love this and UFOF, and they will probably be my number one and two albums of 2019, with  the order just depending on my mood on the day. 

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I've been listening to a lot of The Armed recently..


Experimental post hardcore. They direct all their own music videos which are pretty good.


Also a lot of Aparde. Who I'm excited to go see next month..



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  • 3 weeks later...

Been listening to some great albums recently. One goes by the catchy title “Better Oblivion Community Centre” which is also the name of the group, a collaboration between Conor Oberst and Phoebe Bridgers. I absolutely loved Conor Oberst’s album Ruminations, from 2016, and this album is very much in the same  vein. If nothing else, I love the song Dominos, which says “If you’re not feeling ready, there’s always tomorrow”, which are reassuring words to hear.


Also listening to Bonnie “Prince” Billy’s new album “I Made a Place”. It’s great. There’s a brilliant song called “Look backwards on your future, look forward to your past” which is one of my favourite songs of the year, and features wonderful lines like “Get your sense of time from the ancient Hawaiians, your sense of self from the hydrogen blast”. And the last song, Building a Fire, says “Yesterday was a lark, and today was a bear, tomorrow is an octopus, you can look for me there, won’t you look for me there”. I love it.


And also I’ve been listening to a remaster of Gene Clark’s 1974 album “No Other”, which was panned at the time but hailed as a classic now. Listening to it for the first time, I can’t see how it was panned, it’s a wonderful album from start to finish.

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Picked up a copy of Lingua Ignota - Caligula recently and given it a fair few listens

It's really not going to appeal to the masses it's probably one of the most challenging albums I have listened to 

lyrically delves into the domestic abuse suffered by the artist, but at the same time the purity of the vocals really adds to

the whole thing, be it's the rage fuelled sheaky screams of pain and anguish  to the vulnerability of some of the softer vocals.


It's definitely an experience and if you can get through the more you play it the more it gives back.



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