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which mygamercard thingy do i need to use to get my avatar in it, i had a look earlier but couldn't figure it out

On www.mygamercard.net, under Slect Theme pick NXE (15th one down).

cheers dude

and jimbo, if you quote my post you'll see an image link with my gamertag in it,if you put yours in it and image tag it you'll get a better looking pic

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I am starting to warm to this now.

Had a bit more of a fiddle with it all last night.

I still use the blade more than anything though but l do like the new look over all and i love the party system... last night really showed its strength as i could talk to some homo's i was planning to play a game with and re-arrange some shit.

I gotta change my background or somethng though. I am just not happy with my theme at the moment.

I want that Gears one illdog was talking about that shows different gears objects behind your friends.

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there 250 points each so not too bad, and appaz we have 4 premium themese already just like really basic ones.

But its rly bad they dnt have previews on the marketplace i think.

Im tempted to get the halo wars one coz its bright n looks epic, but i dnt like halo wars...

I probs get ninja balde

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If the different backgrounds in the Friends bar are the main selling point for the Premium themes then I don't see the point, as the new Friends list is much less user-friendly than the old way, so I'm finding myself only using the Guide button for stuff like messages and who's on, etc.

Mind you, the good stuff in NXE has more than outnumbered the bad stuff.

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Yeah some games don't work when installed and some have reduced performance.

Not sure if you have tried Halo3 since the update, but it actually advises against installing it to the HD.

What does this mean??

Well basically that unless there are clear guidelines on what games run better and what run worse you will never know if you are recieving a performance hit.

I am also getting REALLY frustrated with the new slowness of the blade. Its the one issue i really wanted fixed up more than anything else. Its the one bit of the interface that you use the most and they had almost got it working nicely and now its back to a very frustrating square one again.

It can't be just me that is experiencing it can it?

Stuff like... press the xbox button during a game to read a message or send an invite and it LOCKS UP for ages.

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i don't think many of us have it, and the ones that do probably haven't got room for a 4 dvd install, but Lost Odyssey is meant to be one of the best games to put on the HD.

It halves the battle loading time (down to a few seconds) and no need for disc swaps, looking at about 20gigs for the whole thing though :blink:

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