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Wow that is brilliant. Great feature.

Ha ha so far ahead of the PS3 in terms of functionality.

PS3 latest update was supposed to allow the console to switch off after a download. Instead it gives you an option to switch off after 1 or 2 hours...so if your download hasn't finished you have fucked it.

It also can't support background downloads.

Sony have put all their eggs into HOME which is going to be utterly shit... its like second life and its really NOT what most gamers want.

Microsoft comes along and re-invents its whole console with a simple update.... i can't wait for it... stuff like HD play is going to make it sound like a new machine.

As much as i like the PS3 hardware..... the software is fucking retarded.

Sony need to sort thier shit out and wake the fuck up.

I like swearing.

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If you go in expecting a re-invention you may be disappointed. It's nice and flashy, and HD installs are great, but all it really does is organise things better and improve the looks of the UI.

Although the party system does sound pretty good.

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i don't know yet because i obviously haven't used it, but from what i've read about other people's experiences and the likes.

It seems like they have taken the best bits from XMB (ie form and function) added in the quirky cool of wiimiis (avartars obviously) wrapped it in some xbox branding and given it to us as a nice present. I'm actually genuinely excited by it. I like the presentation and i like the extra functions it'll bring as well.

Bravo Microsoft, bravo.

Now to sort out that build quality...

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i don't know yet because i obviously haven't used it, but from what i've read about other people's experiences and the likes.

It seems like they have taken the best bits from XMB (ie form and function) added in the quirky cool of wiimiis (avartars obviously) wrapped it in some xbox branding and given it to us as a nice present. I'm actually genuinely excited by it. I like the presentation and i like the extra functions it'll bring as well.

Bravo Microsoft, bravo.

Now to sort out that build quality...

That is pretty much it.

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I like it, looks pretty cool though I'm still finding my way around at the moment. I wonder if everyone will eventually just use the Guide button to get around?

My default theme is the Psychonauts free one, so it's a nice touch that the top half of the background is the funky picture of Raz, only problem is I can't find an option anywhere to change the theme. :blush:


My avatar doesn't really look like me at all but hey at least it has glasses, right? All of us speccy four-eyes look the same.

Better facial hair selections than Miis but the beard looks like someone has painted on your face.

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My avatar doesn't really look like me at all but hey at least it has glasses, right? All of us speccy four-eyes look the same.

Better facial hair selections than Miis but the beard looks like someone has painted on your face.

does that mean all us blind people on the site will all look pretty much the same? I was thinking that was quite a good likeness for you Hendo.

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Well, it's skinny, has shaggy brown hair, beard and glasses and yet still doesn't look like me.

I'm considering changing for a tiger face with vampire teeth.

Took about 10 minutes tops to completely download and install, Oli. Maybe more like 5 minutes.

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