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Nintendo DSi


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I want one!! damn so skint till a few paydays away! might have to trade my existing ds and psp, wonder howmuch i will get!!

Its the bigger screen which has sold it to me, and the back catalogue of games, saying that i haven't brought a DS game in ages! and if i get one from work 10% off, shall be popping to game tomorrow!

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Yeah. :(:lol:

I took my DSi XL back to Gamestation today and exchanged it for another. It had a wonky touch screen, only out by about a millimetre, but once seen it couldn't be unseen. Luckily, the guy I saw in Gamestation was as anal as me, and had no problem switching it out for another. I was in two minds about whether to take it back, but I'm very glad that I decided to. The one I have now is spot on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Giant Bomb DSi XL unboxing.

<object width="640" height="360" data="http://media.giantbomb.com/media/video/flash/flowplayer-3.1.5_10001.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="movie" value="http://media.giantbomb.com/media/video/flash/flowplayer-3.1.5_10001.swf" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="whiskey-video-id" value="2223" /><param name="flashvars" value='config={"key":"#@db334ee8c5997373469","clip":{"scaling": "fit"},"canvas":{"background":"#000000","backgroundGradient":"none"},"playlist":["http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/31/1306627-vf_dsixl_preview.jpg", {"autoPlay":false,"url":"http://media.giantbomb.com/video/vf_dsi_preview_700.flv"}],"plugins":{"controls":{"url":"http://media.giantbomb.com/media/video/flash/flowplayer.controls-3.1.5_10000.swf","autoHide":"always","timeColor":"#cc0000","bufferGradient":"none","volumeSliderColor":"#333333","durationColor":"#ffffff","sliderColor":"#333333","tooltipTextColor":"#ffffff","backgroundGradient":"none","timeBgColor":"#000","borderRadius":"0px","tooltipColor":"#000","buttonColor":"#cc0000","sliderGradient":"none","progressColor":"#cc0000","bufferColor":"#666666","volumeSliderGradient":"none","buttonOverColor":"#990000","progressGradient":"medium","backgroundColor":"#111111"}}}' /></object>

Around the 7 minutes mark, Jeff getting down with the DSi shop music. :lol:

Also, be sure to watch from the 13 min mark for some thorough testing of the XL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my mitts on one of these today, at work we had a couple returned as it had brain training in german on it, also in english is this normal??

Was very tempted to pick one up myself, going to try and see if the trading manager will let me have one cheaper. On the bigger screens how do the older games look?? are they all pixelated??

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Yeah, all the DSi XL Euro versions have the German Brain Training as well as the English one. It's easily removed, though. I got rid of it and the DSi Shop instructional video.

Older games looks surprisingly good on the larger screens. I couldn't go back to the smaller screens now, so the XL is now the only DS I own. :wub:

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Got my mitts on one of these today, at work we had a couple returned as it had brain training in german on it, also in english is this normal??

Was very tempted to pick one up myself, going to try and see if the trading manager will let me have one cheaper. On the bigger screens how do the older games look?? are they all pixelated??

i think the brain training in german and english is normal, mine had it anyway.

occasionally some stuff like text can look a bit pixelated, oddly this seeems to affect the system menus more than anything else, i was worried about this before getting one but its not been a problem so far, the screens are great for most stuff i've tried.

edit - beaten to it by Ed!

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