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Nintendo DSi


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Sad as fuck really, but i was chuffed to see the pic Ed put up of the volume panel, i fucking hate the slide bar volume on the Lite!

Quiet...little bit lou...LOUD AS FUCK and the misses is awake. Thats my day ruined. :)


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Team 17 boss is cautious of the SD capabilities of the DSi.

Speaking to GI, Team 17 head Martyn Brown’s welcomed the ability to slot and SD card into the newly announced DSi, but has warned the feature may bring more widespread piracy to the platform.

“Adding an SD slot makes a bunch of sense for downloadable content given the way things are going,” he said.

“I just hope they’ve done something to counter the mass piracy that exists via the R4 on the Lite. It scares me that with an SD card input, that might leave it even wider open that it was on the original device.


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I completely agree on the volume thing - only mine never got to "little bit louder", it's all or nothing. Aside from the flimsy build of the thing (dodgy shoulder buttons, etc) the biggest flaw has been the volume slider. Totally useless.

I wonder what they're doing with security? Not that it matters seeing as some cock will break it "just because they can". :rolleyes:

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i'd really have to think about it, i rarely ever play my ds now, ive bought FFTA2 and havnt really touched it!

For everyone who just wants the info breifly

Camera - While 2 cameras have been added, only one is visible while playing your games (the other is on the backside). This camera subscribes to the apple webcam mentality that you should ALWAYS have a lens pointed at you.

Finish - The DS Lite had a slightly shiny glossed finish, while the new one seems to be a bit more matte. Maybe this will mean less greasy fingerprints!

Power button - The DS Phat had the power button on the face. The Lite went with the power slider on the side of the system. It looks like the new DS is bringing it back to the old school and putting a power button on the face of the unit. It looks like it doesn’t stick out at all so it is probably pretty hard to hit accidentally.

Screen - Although it’s tough tell in the above picture because the systems aren’t to scale, the new DS screen is .25 inches larger diagonally. The resolution remains the same.

Inputs - The new DSi has ditched the gameboy advance slot in favor of an SD card slot. Children with old games cry while hackers rejoice.

Online Store - The new DS will feature an online store ala iphone and PSP. This will be a great way for Nintendo to increase their revenue by having children ‘accidentally’ run up their parents credit cards buying them crazy poke-mans.

Size - The DSi has been working out and trimmed down 12% of its size. WiiFit Mobile confirmed?

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Hey all you folk who like to import DS games, Nintendo has a message. Fuck you!

Nintendo has confirmed that software specifically created for the DSi will be region-locked, with European, North American and Japanese software only working on consoles designed for their specific regions.

Previous DS and GameBoy hardware has been region-free, allowing users to purchase US or Japanese software and play it on a European handheld.

Nintendo told our sister site Eurogamer.net this afternoon that the DSi is region locked "because DSi embeds net communication functionality within itself and we are intending to provide net services specifically tailored for each region".

The company added: "Also because we are including parental control functionality for Nintendo DSi and each region has its unique age limit made by different independent bodies."

This only applies to software that is compatible exclusively with the DSi - existing DS software remains region-free. Internet browsing and photo sharing also works globally.

It's worth noting that Nintendo's statement refers to "software" rather than "games". GamesIndustry.biz is seeking further clarification from Nintendo.

A lucrative retail market currently exists catering to early adopters and consumers keen to import Japanese and US titles often released far earlier in those regions than in Europe.

Just when I was warming to the idea of it. I think I'll be keeping the Lite. Atleast existing games still work I suppose. :mellow:

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the DSi is region locked "because DSi embeds net communication functionality within itself and we are intending to provide net services specifically tailored for each region".

The company added: "Also because we are including parental control functionality for Nintendo DSi and each region has its unique age limit made by different independent bodies."

What utter fucking shit

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But, importing a DSi from Japan would mean not being able to use the store at all, at least not in English.

I may still get one for DS games and to be the cool kid in town with a Japanese one months before the UK sees it.

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But, importing a DSi from Japan would mean not being able to use the store at all, at least not in English.

I may still get one for DS games and to be the cool kid in town with a Japanese one months before the UK sees it.

Thats what i want to do, spread my peacock feathers and say 'Look at me'.

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the DSi is region locked "because DSi embeds net communication functionality within itself and we are intending to provide net services specifically tailored for each region".

The company added: "Also because we are including parental control functionality for Nintendo DSi and each region has its unique age limit made by different independent bodies."

What utter fucking shit

In other words:

"We want to give the Japanese system LOADS of support, the American one a fair bit of support, and Europe fuck all" ;)

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Sony's response to the DSi

Sony director of hardware marketing John Koller has suggested that the DSi might not be enough to help Nintendo widen its user base beyond a youth audience. "Nintendo has kind of a history of these [moderate] kinds of updates, and even with DS Lite, there was a lot of discussion, 'Is that enough?' And they seemed to do pretty well there," he said.

He went on to tell Gizmodo that the DSi would likely follow in the successful footsteps of the DS Lite, sales of which have dominated the handheld market globally, but questioned whether the new portable had the potential to widen Nintendo's user base, which he said consisted mainly of children.

"Will DSi do well with [the DS's] demographic? It probably will. Will it be a product that expands their user base [beyond] under 12? I'm not sure," he added. Although, hasn't the DS demographic already expanded way beyond kids?

The DSi will feature an built-in web browser and a 0.3 megapixel camera, among other features, and will initially release in Japan on November 1, before launching in other territories next year.

C & VG

I'd say the DS Lite pretty much covers all the demographics, more so than the PSP anyway.

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Sony's response to the DSi

Sony director of hardware marketing John Koller has suggested that the DSi might not be enough to help Nintendo widen its user base beyond a youth audience. "Nintendo has kind of a history of these [moderate] kinds of updates, and even with DS Lite, there was a lot of discussion, 'Is that enough?' And they seemed to do pretty well there," he said.

I'd say the DS Lite pretty much covers all the demographics, more so than the PSP anyway.

Christ what an idiot. I hate it when people from sony comment on nintendo. He's hardly going to say it looks awesome so instead he makes up some crap.

Look at how your own hardware is selling before sneering over the fence you baboon. :angry:

To be fair to them, the PSP is hardly selling badly. The only things that beat it in Japan and Americas charts is the Wii and DS. The PSP is actually the biggest selling console in Japan this year.

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