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Looks amazing! I started off with my laptop plugged into the TV but it looks noticeably better on the laptop so am playing with that on a chair in front of me, using the pad. I did a benchmark test beforehand and medium is the best option for me. Still looks great although there have been a bit of screen-tearing and stuff. Anyway! I've arrived at Columbia and am really taking my time basking in everything around me. The main benefit of playing on a PC is that I'm taking screenshots like a motherfucker. Anyone who has me on Facebook, I've made an album with some of my favourite shots there. It's early days, but it has set up the reason for you being there and the mindset of the people of Columbia. Very reminiscent of the original Bioshock with your arrival, picking up cash, etc. Glorious.
First off it's slightly different from the demo, for one the intro is much longer, which lets you see more of Arkham and see more of the Joker. The game itself starts off with the same tutorial battle against the goons, and is the same up until you beat Zsasz. In the demo you then do some more stealth stuff, here though it takes you through some basic climbing stuff and a bit more fighting, before you move onto the 'boss' fight against against one of Jokers mutated henchmen. The fight is a massive anti-climax, it's really just to teach you to dodge, which might be for the best as the camera is a bit like Gears' (right behind you) and so it's a little hard to manoeuvre around. I thought I'd worked out the tactic to beat him, but well I'll leave it to you lot to find out. It's pretty good so far. At points it looks brilliant, at points the ps3's lack of AA shows through. Characters faces are still bizarre, the the environments are really well fleshed out, it doesn't just feel like a crate has been dumped in a room to fill it up a bit. I've just got to a bit where I have to backtrack. On the way through I noticed rooms, items and areas that I couldn't access yet, so my guess is that Arkham might not be all that massive. Although there's every chance it is, and the game is just longer than I'm expecting
Well no-one else will so I'll start a topic. I'm very early on, done the mission for the doctor which turns a little "odd". I'm always running out of space in my wallet and my crafting pouch so I'm gonna have to take some time out of the main quest to make some bigger pouches. Having seen what the PC version looks like, the 360 version is definitely poorer visually but it's still passable.
Started playing this a few nights ago thanks to a free 30 day code I received from a guy on another forum, always wanted to give it a go but didn't want to pay the money to take the plunge I suppose. Decided on a Female Miqo'te (Seekers of the Sun) Lancer with the Oschon Guardian, I'm situated in Phoenix in the Chaos server, Level 8. No idea really if any of what I picked is any good. The game put me into 'Grimaldia' which is a set of forest cities. As for the game itself...still undecided really, very early days 4 hours into an MMO but I like a few things about it and dislike a few things about it really. The world itself seems cool, the servers are stable and even though the graphics aren't upto 2015 standards really it looks alright, runs incredibly well at 1080/60 and I've been using the GamePad throughout without any major problems except I can't seem to find an option to invert the right analog stick which is annoying, but I've got used to playing in default now, despite it not feeling wholly natural. The way they introduce you to the game is very good, you're definitely eased into it, in one little secluded area of the map (Grimaldia), everything is told to you simply and tutorial boxes pop up for pretty much everything, there is still a lot to take it but it doesn't feel like you're bewildered or bamboozled by information and the world itself like other MMOs I've played in the past. Only really explored Grimaldia and its surrounding but it is pretty cool, the scenery is nice, the buildings have a lot of character to them and its cool seeing people potter about with Chocobo's in tow (how the fuck do I get one of them?!). My main gripe though at the moment is the quests, they're all very fetch-questy and traditional MMO staples as 'kill 6 of this creature', 'deliver a message to this person', 'go round up these naughty people and tell them to come back' etc. the coolest one I've done was some woman that was being accosted by this bloke that was a criminal and asked me to meet with him on the edge of town instead of her to see what his deal is, every other quest has been incredibly forgettable and dull, I've played 4 hours and these quests just keep popping up and up and up, they don't seem to go away, but there's not really anything else to do so I keep on just doing them regardless. I didn't understand why I couldn't complete some of the quests earlier, the little 'complete' box was not able to be clicked so I just left these quests uncompleted and went to do some others, tried again later into my session and realised if I pressed left or right on the d-pad I could select a quest reward, once selected the quest was able to be completed felt so stupid. Another stupid moment I had was when I had to get Level 5 gear to do a quest, went to the shop, dropped a load of cash on a set of Level 5 stuff and then realised after that I could've got all of it from the quest rewards I was missing all that money wasted, oh well :oops: Not sure about the Fate-public event quests either, it's a cool concept and when they work and loads of people come to one spot to batter some cunt its a nice spectacle but most just get in the way and are annoying really, only had people turn up in 1 or 2 out of all the ones I've attempted. The combat is really cool though, I mean you can just sit back and just press 1 button here and there, it's not very involved on the face of it, but you feel involved in it which is the key thing, and it feels satisfying enough that when you defeat a tough-ish enemy you're slightly elated. There's definitely something compelling about it though, it just feels like it could be a standard RPG at the moment, it doesn't feel bewildering at all really and I'm just pottering about doing quests, thinking about upgrading weapons, armour etc. like I would a regular RPG, I do hope the quests get better the further it goes on though as I think I'm out if it's another shit-ton of hours of these quests.
Playing this tonight, met the alien died twice, thought I had done it got to the lift then the cutscene came on doh! Will give it another go tomorrow, if the background in this is the future its pretty good. I do miss my surround sound but that might be too much in this game!
I thought since I've done a run of it I'll give some impressions. It's just one crazy action game. Mostly its about combos, weaken the guy then cut him into tiny bits. It's actually fairly easy as an accurate strike cuts the guts out of your enemies and squeezing its juice all over yourself fills your health up so while it can get hectic you're never far away from health, and getting used to the manual slicing isn't that much of a problem. You don't even need to use combos, you can just mash your way through the rest of it. There are Ninja Gaiden style combos to learn but it's not necessary on Normal at least. I did most of the game with the sword though can apply secondary weapons to the triangle/Y button and all I did was keep the staff from the first boss as it is good at area attacks. I've started a hard run and I'm probably gonna dive into the combat system more to see what it's really made of. The only issues with it are the camera (just as bad as NG2's but with the addition of some of the environments being very narrow) and the story (yes, you can skip it but there is no attempt at telling it outside of long cutscenes and longer codec conversations).
Played about an hour and haven't got any of the Bioshock style powers yet, but it's done a pretty good job of teaching you some of the basics. The tutorials are hidden as gameplay elements (follow someone, play hide and seek etc), but a little on the nose for a while, once things start to kick off though it does a better job of setting things up so that if you want to do a stealth kill then you'll get an easy chance, if you want to do a drop attack then there's a convenient pipe above a guard. Or you could just walk up and stab people, whatever annoyingly on the pc it's got the same quirk Witcher 2 did, that it's 2 handed attacks mapped to the opposite mouse button, so the sword in your right hand is mapped to the left mouse button, while the gun in your left... Not a big deal but I did alert a few guards by dropping down and shooting a guard in the head instead of a nice quiet throat slit
Not just for @bellow, but in general. With the recent multi-platform re-release, it is as good a time as any for those looking to return or jump in for the first time to one of the least contentious fan favourites in the series. With a little something, to set the mood... (Yes, this was a real thing)
This arrived early wooooo! Nice surprise because i thought zavvi would be slow at delivering, had to get up early and wait in for it at my parents, but it was totally worth it. Anyway yeah I'm really enjoying it so far, but even though I'm a fair few hours in I'm still doing tutorials, lots of story/setup, and some mini dungeon stuff, so early days still. There's been some funny stuff in there, mainly the responses you can pick, but not loads so far. The presentation/graphics/music is great as expected really. The guy in the velvet room sounds odd/different. Something this has from other SMT games that I'm not sure the persona ones I've played have properly had, which i always thought sounded cool, is talking to the bad guys. I like it. As expected it's pretty similar in gameplay and structure to persona 3 and 4, there's a map/school to run round talking to people and social links and stuff, and dungeon where bad guys are battled in turn based combat. So there you go. I'm sure some people will be picking this up so hope you guys enjoy it maybe i shouldn't have started this as I'll probably just skim read it till I've finished the game now, which will probably be a while.
I picked this up on the pc the other day for a fiver, supposedly the story is great, clever even, but the game itself is a bit so so. Which so far is about where I am with it, it's a less fun MW. I'm also struggling to sit and play it for an extended duration, as soon as a checkpoint ends I feel the urge to turn it off for a while. The story is fairly interesting so far, it's not hit the twist yet, but knowing that something terrible and fucked has happened is enough to keep you interested in what's going on It looks fairly good, the AA isn't really doing enough considering how many hanging wires there are. It's pretty well acted too, it's been Northified so you'd expect that, but he seems to be the worst of the 3 main ones so far
I'm playing it. Early days, on chapter four, but it's bloody brilliant.
Mixed emotions! I play for hours having relaxing fallout adventure fun and then it'll freeze, I'll get stuck behind something or worst of all its bugged and I can't get a character to do something they're supposed to. So I'm stuck.
Is this an indie? I think it could be so it gets an 'indie' sticker. But the game! It's pretty good! I say pretty good but what I mean is it's text book good. It doesn't do anything wrong and it uses the 'Metroidvania' template pretty well and has some interesting uses of its mechanics (I'm getting sick of using that word but I don't want to get specific as they get kinda surprising). What I will say is that there is a flip dimensions ability that mixes things up, but only in the same way as Outland does. Remember that game? Guacamelee! is a lot like Outland in some ways so if you liked that you'll like this. But I suppose the combat is better in this. You're a Mexican Wrestler so flinging folks about is important and you do have a big repertoire of combos and moves to do that are fun to pull off and hurt things a lot. You also have a bunch of fun internet jokes to laugh at about cats and stuff in the game, you know, all that referential stuff we enjoy. Like you climb a big mountain and near the top you find the the dead body of the thing from Journey and you go 'hahaha! I know that reference! Choozo Staues! hahaha!' It's so funny, it's like those guys who make the Scary Movie films and stuff made it. In summery: a pretty well made game that is fun but with with shite, incestuous nerd comedy. Play Outland instead.
yeah so, i like this, it's a bit different to previous mgs games, in that the map is massive and you do missions in smaller parts - and you get a horse to ride around on - bit like the witcher 3. controls are confusing like normal, but pretty well explained. there seems to be a lot of scope for sneaking and doing things differently which is cool, but i am a bit rubbish at it and often get spotted while trying to be sneaky and end up killing loads of people - which is what i usually do in mgs games. doesn't seem to be an easy mode but it's not been too difficult so far. there is a chicken hat you can equip that stops you getting spotted a few times after you fail once or something - that might be the easy mode - unclear. you can hide while riding your horse by sort of hanging off one side of the horse, i thought that sounded ace so... the into/prologue part is a sort of long interactive cutscene, which has some funny/cool bits, and some rubbish/boring bits imo. after the first bit there hasn't been that much dialogue/cutscenes which is odd. but i'm not too far in so there's still time. extracting stuff is awesome.
It's not quite the game it looked in previews is it. It's not gritty Uncharted, nor is it STALKER in the Uncharted engine, it's something in between. It's very stealth heavy, you don't get a lot of ammo and health, not can you carry a lot, but it's not as open as it looked, there's a set path with scripted encounters. I assume this is my own fault but the game is dark as fuck, I mean grim yeah, but actually dark. I've fucked up attacks because I couldn't see walls and barriers in the way, couldn't see what type of infected I was dealing with, infact couldn't see them coming towards me at one point. I'd heard some bad stuff about the AI, and for the infected it is very route-set, but the humans are well done I think, they'll try to flank you, and will react if you switch weapons But then that's part of the problem, they don't react quite the way we were led to believe, or at least not yet (I'm about 30% in), I remember this was going to be like a clever Fallout. The tension is removed at times because while you're being stealthy and hiding from clickers, your mates can just run past them having a conversation without alerting them. It's probably for the best that they dont alert them, but it's a shame ND didn't manage to sort their stealth out. It certainly is tense though, there's very little down time, and the intro was superbly done. It's genuinely impressive that Naughty Dog have got the game looking like it does and running so well. I've had a few things pop in and out of view, things like the contents of a bathtub, but mostly the frame rate has stayed locked, there's been no tearing, no slowdown, and all while probably being the best looking game on consoles
The Good old days when (western) box art was largely unconnected to the game itself. But Japan was more on the money... Anyway, at time of writing I'm an hour at most away from the ending. So I should probably give some indication I've been playing anything at all for the past few weeks. Fun fact: I played this upon it's original release (1994) but never played the original game until the 2004 GBA remake. As you can imagine, I have a natural bias to the sequel. I still adore this game. Mostly I find the "jank" is associated to the control scheme. You have to pull up a menu to do just about everything. Every character can only hold four items (one of those is typically a weapon) and it just generally slows the whole process down. Funnily enough I've found the game wide secret largely on my own. Mithril. You find pieces of Mithril on the world map and in hidden treasure chests. There are fifteen in all. But there is an early point of no return in the game that means you can miss three of them. Those ones I always miss. Jump through a few hoops later and you reach the Mithril Blacksmith. Get ready to save scum if you want the best aka Ultimate weapons, though. The RNG is abysmal. The cast is quite expansive in this game. Which is quite standard for an SRPG. By the same token, a fair few aren't worth even using in your team at any point (points to Skreech, Birdman number two). You'll note from above some have alternate portraits. Due to the class promotion system in this game. There are also secret added items that grant some characters a new class promotion. For example, Kazim (sixth portrait on the top row). He can be promoted from Mage to Wizard at level 20. However, if you hold off on that for a town or two. You find a Secret Book which can make him a Sorcerer instead (this games Summoner). This applies to several classes of character. But you don't need to fret over it if you miss these items. The ultimate class promotion of the Centaurs is Pegasus. If you miss the item in the Centaur town. The Pegasus Jaro (the blond, seventh from the end on the bottom row) joins you by default later. Naturally, these characters won't be as strong as your initial characters would be in these classes. As an aside, much like the first game. I really don't get the fixation these games have with the Centaur class. There are five of them in this. Six or seven in the first game. There is very little between any of them. So yeah, on to my last two bosses of the game - Odd Eye and, King of the Devils, Zeon. I remember the latter being a chore. I've set the game to Hard mode. The 'Super' and 'Ouch' Modes beyond that seem really unnecessary to me. Since it isn't like you get anything extra for the added struggle.
Played til 3am last night, found a dragon. Hardly done ANY story stuff but it's structured in a way where you can't really tell if it's story or not, I did one thing which I thought was pretty out of the way and then it ended up kind of tying in with the story. Managed to kill me some giants and some mammoths, the enemy scaling seems to be pretty nicely sorted, nothing has been particularly easy but it's obvious that there are different levels of challenge available to you. The example pre release was fallout, and taking on one of the giants reminded me of one of the super mutants from that game, they just roam around waiting to be found and if you keep plugging away and are smart then you can take one down, I used a combination of sneak and range, taking a few shots then running off where it couldn't get and then using sneak to hide and then wear them down. Then rushing in when the giant is low on health with my two swords. Levelling up feels better, like a mix of how it was before by doing stuff and it gets better, but also by you choosing skills along those branches you increase, effectively unlocking the ability to choose something on your skill trees. It's never felt like a grind in the way it did before, it's like it was sold to us, you play how you want and you level around that. I'm sort of aiming to be a snooty sneaky character but I also want to be good with two sorts and I think I might start putting more time into crafting stuff, items or weapons I'm not sure yet. As far as critique goes, there are small flaws to be found, examining a texture very very close up shows that it isn't perfect, I don't particularly like the controls( I'm playing on PC don't you know) but the things wrong with it are so minor that you either won't notice that much or won't care, there's so much that it does right. More impressions later on, but can't disagree with the review scores. Edit: for the records it does actually look amazing.
I have very mixed feelings about this. I love the feeling of adventure, of not knowing what's down the road and if you'll be able survive. It's brilliant when you do overcome the odds and press on after a tough battle. The combat system is great with loads of customisation on offer, you're even encouraged to change class altogether. The Pawn system works really well, being able to hire and fire helpers and changing the composition of your group entirely as the situation demands. Despite all the good bits, the game so far has felt as though i'm playing the middle portion of an RPG where i'm clearing up fluff quests just to pad out the leveling process. There's been no gravitas or urgency to the quests so it's difficult to differentiate between the story and side quests. Things like not having fast travel I can understand why they left out even though it's annoying to have to walk to the same places over and over. I'm surprised more games don't use the MMO style flight paths to get around. You still get to where you're going quicker but you have to travel to a specific place, rather than just magically teleporting everywhere. It's a happy medium between the two. There's other things which are pretty minor and affect my enjoyment more than they probably should. For instance, why did they overlook mini-map markers for people who have something to say? It's incredibly frustrating having to run around looking for colored speech bubbles above NPCs heads. Likewise with the Pawns. As good as the system is it grates when in combat and you're unable to issue commands for something as simple as a weapon buff - the option just doesn't exist. Most of the time you just have to wait for them to apply the correct buff which is very frustrating against the larger enemies. For all it's issues, there are times when this incredible game shines through, and that's what makes it worth playing. I just wish it was more consistent.
This arrived super early from Shopto very impressed with that. Started the single player first just to get used to the controls again, it starts with a quick recap of the first two games and then its back on you, exactly where Ezio was at the end of the last game. Its more of the same really, same controls, same things to do, just this time each individual goal can only be 100% synchronised by a specific action. For example, I had to kill a particular guard but 100% sync would only be achieved if I killed him by throwing him into a nearby scaffold. Not sure I feel about these goals yet, the OCD in me wont let me not 100% any of them and so far theyve been easy enough but I can see them getting harder therefore more frustrating. Had a quick go on Multiplayer, after a training simulator you can choose 1 out of two gametypes (more are unlocked as you level up). I chose Wanted, which is like a free for all in the city but its quite open plan. You pick your character, enter the game and you are given a target to assassinate. The play area is filled with characters and they all look exactly like the selection of characters you get to choose from. You have to use your radar to identify the human player and assassinate them, whilst at the same time avoid the player whos trying to assassinate you. I didnt always use my radar, I just looked for the idiot that was running and jumping around whilst I tried to walk at a slow pace to blend in to the NPCs. Really addictive, hope that sort of makes sense. Ive yet to try the other playlist, thats for tonight and the next one unlocks at Level 5. Thumbs up so far,.
Whut no Rocksteady? Burn it. Its ok, its good, honest. And it doesnt feel like there's been much change. Infact, so far it feels exactly like Arkham City, just earlier in time. Its been a while since I played that so forgive me if I havent picked up on some mind bending change but it seems the WB Montreal have done their homework. It feels the same, looks the same (Batman seems beefier though) and you have the same stuff to do. He fights the same, walks the same, has the same move set (so far). Voice sound the same even though its a different voice actor (same guy that did Ezio from Ass Creed and does Sonic's voice). Ive only played an hour but I can pretty much say that if you enjoyed Arkham City I can see no reason why you wont enjoy this. Its the same. So far.
I had a quick go of the multiplayer. I was expecting it to be shitter that ITV2. SURPRISE! It's actually pretty damn good. Tacked on multi that I actually wouldn't mind playing. How about that. I'm not going to go into the single part of the game, mainly because spoilers and stuff. This is based on my impressions of the MP only. Multiplayer starts with you picking a class. From memory there are 6 classes. From what I can tell each class has 3 Biotic powers (could be more) which are mapped to Y, LB and RB. As you play you level up and are able to put points into the usual perks, similar to how it worked levelling up companions in ME1 & 2. Levelling up also allows you to start other characters, initially it looks like you are locked down to either human males and females in each class available. I'm not sure if biotic powers vary between sexes, but from what it looks like other races have to be unlocked by levelling up your character. The actual games that I played where the usual horde mode fare, except this time each class plays a designated part in the 4 man squad. Obviously at the start everyone has bare bones weapons and Biotics, so it basically turns into a case of fight for a few waves before the enemies get the better of you, and then level up some. When you do get some Biotic powers under your belt, you'll get further into the waves. However, it's not as simple as eliminating enemies, there are waves where you are times to eliminate certain VIP's, and it looks like there are set ups where you have to protect certain objectives and the usual fare of gametypes that happen in vs type games. You'll go from holding up against all odds in one wave to chasing down VIP's another. It mixes things up a bit similar to how the bonus objectives do in Gears 3 Horde, but in this case they are the key to passing the round, not just the objective. It sort of feels a bit like Section 8's mid-match missions that can really effect who wins, although this time instead of playing against other people you are playing against AI with some buddies in tow. I went engineer class, and Mika went soldier. If anyone wants to join in with us on this tomorrow night when we are on get the bloody thing downloaded, create a class and join us. I could imagine it being really good with a full lobby.
It's good. Not surprisingly. I didn't like IV at all so it's a bit of an upgrade for me because the last GTA I played through was Vice City on a borrowed PS2 10 years ago. I'd liken it to that more than IV. It's all nice and pretty, relaxed and a great sense of fun in both missions and going off radar. It's GTA through and through and it'll never do anything to persuade none fans to pick it up and it's not deserving of hype such as game of this generation, but I can see that it will fit nicely with the rest to become one of the greatest open world games of any gen, and best GTA evaz.
Played a few hours and it's been very, very good. It's very much another game that's taken more than a few pages from Uncharted's playbook, except it switches a wise-cracking protagonist for someone much more vulnerable and insecure. Well, at least to start with anyway. I've always loved the Tomb Raider series, the original TR was the first ever game I bought for the PS1 and I played it to death, but the series was massively in need of a complete reboot. They've done a fantastic job with this game and the character. Lara is almost unrecognisable from her hotpants wearing, confident predecessor. I say almost as they decided to stick with her two most distinguishing features for some reason. Cans . The sections where you squeeze through a gap or are only able to progress forwards are probably the most elegant way of disguising a load screen I can think of. It's totally seamless and in some case even adds to the experience by allowing Lara time to express how she's feeling.The same goes for the logs she records at some of the base camps, only a few lines of dialogue, but it adds so much. Each area seems to have a discreet sub-objective like smash 10 lanterns or burn 5 banners, and they only activate once you hit the first thing, you're not notified about it otherwise. I can see myself spending a chunk of time completing these as well as picking up all the collectables dotted around. I tried turning on the new TressFX hair technology but it looks a bit weird tbh. It also hits the framerate pretty hard in certain situations. It's a cool idea as game hair usually looks pretty rubbish, but it definitely needs tweaking a bit before making it standard.
appropriately this game is a bit nonsensical. Fortunately, as someone who's only watched what's on Netflix, the plot for story mode takes place right after the 2nd series ends. A young Speedwagon appears as Jotoro, Joseph, and Jean Pierre are attacked by people that had previously been defeated and killed, and explains that he's travelling through dimensions recovering the parts of a holy corpse that will close the rifts. Basically, it's a way to have the various Jojo's in to the same story, with young versions of characters being playable The combat is a bit strange. It's made by the people that make the Naruto games, and plays kind of similar with relatively large 3D arenas. The combos seem pretty basic, but you can by new moves, I'm not sure they fit in to the combos, so you're pressing L1 then a face button to do them, I'm not sure I see the benefit of using those moves over the basic combo, but maybe it will open up or become apparent as I play more. There's a flash move that needs to be charged up to use, this acts as a way to break out of enemy combos. There's a button that, if your partner reciprocates, will mean you both target an enemy and if you do enough damage will launch a special. Jotoro teaming up with old Joseph for their move is genuinely funny. I think this is tied to a super move, where you dash at an enemy, and if you connect do a really powerful move... honestly, I'm not sure what's going on with half the meters in this game, it does tell you, but before you've really encountered it so it doesn't go in. it's not bad, but the fights do drag on a bit, I'll stick with it for a while though and I'm aiming to at least finish the story mode
I cant believe none of you guys are playing this!!! in fact, out of the people in my friends list, only one guy is playing it :'(. this series really doesnt deserve to have another instalment undersell! whinging aside, its awesome. It looks fantastic, and the sound is mind boggling, all the ambient noises and rolling orchestral flourishes are even better this time roun, and freaking scary. the whole thing is freaking scary!! been playing it with the lights out and headphones on, notifications turned off, and i actually feel wired and shaken after a couple hour session. so the technical stuff is just an improvement on the first games amazing effort, which is no mean feat in itself. but theyve really improved the gameplay and the story is shaping up to be better too. the new weapons are great, and using kinesis to pick up makeshift projectiles on the fly is a great addition. the more linear direction which sent shivers down my spine when i first heard about it actually does the game a service, makes you reaise how they couldve designed the first game in a similar way and it wouldve been better. no backtracking, just new enviroment after new enviroment as the game tries to show you all the different areas of the sprawl - its gruesome to see how different aspects of civilian life there have been buttraped by the necromorphs. they even hit the kiddy wing. --------------> its fecking awesome!!!!!