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  1. Pikman

    Plague Inc.

    Has anyone tried this? Pretty cool little game, resource planning etc to start with as you tweak a disease to obliterate humanity, then as you start to win, it gets rather depressing really! Great game though
  2. I've seen this game around quite a bit but not paid too much attention to it, but the creator started a thread on Gaf the other day detailing how it had sold. If I remember right the pc/mac version hadn't sold much at all, the ios a bit, Android a decent amount because it had been featured in the Staff Picks section, but the platform it had sold best on was the 3DS. Again it had been featured, still is under Winter Picks (or something like that), but the key thing for me is that it's only ÂŁ1.99 It plays a bit like a not as hard Megaman, not that it's easy, just that it's not as hard as Megaman. You can jump and you can shoot, you can't shoot up, you can't shoot diagonally, but you can duck. The stages are pretty short, you're scored based on how quick you do them, and at the end of a set of stages there's a boss fight. The boos fights might be my favourite thing about the game, they aren't massively hard, it just takes a bit of old fashioned skill and patience to beat them. It does suffer the way Megaman did in that it's ever so slightly unfair. There's plenty of times where you'll jump, which will make the screen scroll forward, spawning an enemy to fire or fly at you and knock you to your death. You have unlimited lives though, it's just a case of starting from a checkpoint (more often than not the start of the stage). It's not very long, but apparently the 3DS version has extra stuff. It does look pretty nice, the 3D isn't too intrusive, and it is pretty cheap compared to most stuff on the 3DS
  3. http://youtu.be/mVTuTopxkZc I've been playing this for a few days and I've honestly enjoyed it more than the "proper" games. It's the same set-up, same art-style but the gameplay has been simplified to work on just pokes and prods. There's no virtual d-pad or buttons - you press the screen to duck, release to jump. Swipe down or up on conveyor belts to change lanes, swipe in the air to do tricks, etc. There's less emphasis on scores and tricks than on the other games, though that is there too, but it's more about going through the (very short) levels and collecting everything and doing a perfect run. I'm somewhere near the end and the levels are finally getting pretty tricky, and there are a lot of them. Currently costs 2 quid and has IAP to unlock other characters quicker but with no grinding at all I've managed to get some characters that give you some decent coin bonuses.
  4. There isn't a thread for this, right? http://youtu.be/NpEEknM68KI Well, I suck at this. Found my first enemy ship outside of the tutorial, destroyed it quite happily but in the process they damaged my engine room which I found was on fire. I didn't find out it was on fire until I sent my 3 crew members in to fix it. I watched them burn.
  5. Any one else been playing this? I know a lot of people know all about it here because I heard about it from them. It looks like a NES game, it sounds like a NES game (super turtles like theme tune) but it doesnt really play like any NES game i ever played. Its like a spoof version of GTA in 8 bit. Its all about missions, going from A to B, then back to A. The humour is a million miles a minute, every time you do something its a piss take of something else and most of the time its pretty funny. You have your main story mission as well as lots of little side missions which are mostly about killing sprees. I have two problems with it, put simply: its hard to see sometimes just what the fucks going on due to the graphical style and colour and it can get a little samey. BUT, its only 800 points and its well worth the money for the amount of game on offer.
  6. I thought I'd start a thread for this rather than leave it in the app thread as a lot of us played the first game. And if you did then you'll know what's going on as Anomaly Korea kind of feels like a map pack for Warzone Earth. I'm trying to think if there's anything new in it, there's a power now that boosts your attack power, I think that's new, and flame damage is a thing now (complete with a flamethrower vehicle that I think was in the first game). They do have more directed missions, so there's one where certain zones restrict what powers you can use, and one where you have to get to 3 information towers before they're destroyed, it does get to the point quicker than the first game did. It's also way shorter than the first game, unless there was a difference between the pc version and the mobile version anyway, as the PC version had a chunk of levels, then opened up another area giving you more. Anomaly Korea is just Korea, and only 12 missions (unless they add more). You do unlock 'Art of War' missions though that are supposed to be ultra hard (haven't tried them yet) That all being said it's still really good, for those that didn't play the first game it's a "tower offence" game, so rather than place towers to stop incoming waves you command vehicles to take out enemy towers. You can choose the route, choose which vehicles to use, upgrade them, and add more. There's powers like healing, distractions, smokescreens, and increased damage that you place on the field and while you're in their radius you get that effect. It's still really good, but Warzone Earth felt like the biggest bargain in the world, it was huge and brilliant, this feels like something they got out quick to capitalise on that. I don't really begrudge them, and it's still worth playing, and will take you a few hours to complete so it's not short either, only compared to the first game
  7. Had a bit of a play on Torchlight II. It's really nice, although playing with a mouse feels well oldskool. Reminds me of the Diablo days where I'd wear mice out by clicking them over and over picking up the lewts. I went with the punchy guy, although I might just start toons with all the characters and play the game through. It depends how long the legs are on the game, I got fed up after about 100 floors down in the random generated floors of the original on 360.
  8. radiofloyd


    I played a few minutes of Home. Don't know why i naively thought it wouldn't be creepy. Speakers all the way...
  9. What's in the cube? A broken server, that's what. It took me ages to finally get in and then trying to buy the stats screen (only costs 100 coins which you'll get in about 10 seconds) is proving impossible. The "game" itself is exactly as Molyneux described and they point out in the about page that it's not a game and is more of an experiment so it's weird to see people so dismissive and angry about it. It hasn't been out long and already the first layer is nearly gone.
  10. It's an indie RPG that goes back to the days of pen and paper games with people playing together, role-playing and using their imagination. Here's the website link that shows what it does - http://beholdstudios.com.br/knights-of-pen-paper/ worth watching the video to get an idea. You customise everything to your specs so you create the quests yourself, more or less. It's brilliant so far, well worth the ÂŁ1.50 I paid for it. It's currently on Android and iOS and is meant to be coming to computers, unsure if that's just as a web game or a downloadable.
  11. I honestly wasn't sure what to expect when I stuck it on. Two hours and a lot of swearwords later I understood how great this game is. It's equal parts manic frustration at getting laid out for the 50th time and utter joy at finally smashing that last enemy's head in with a pipe. The controls are so well implemented the game never feels at fault regardless of how many times you get nailed. It has this weird 80's Killer 7 vibe mixed with a fantatic soundtrack (available on Soundcloud, definitely worth a listen: http://soundcloud.co...-miami-official) which all mashes together and reminds me heavily of the movie Drive. Everything about the game just fits together so well. Certainly worth a punt a ÂŁ7, just a shame there isn't a demo for those that are unsure.
  12. I started this tonight, there's a very funny bit early on and the music is superb. And that's as much as I know so far, I don't even understand what the aim of the game is. It's kind of a point and click in that you point where you want to move, click on things that can be examined, and it does seem like what you do affects certain choices. I really like the atmosphere so far, but I've only just hit the first proper story point (I've been on the tour), so I suspect the game is about to explain itself
  13. Much recommended this. It's a stealth game, 2D side-view, made by the people who did Shank and the N+ XBLA port. It's got great reviews and I've only done the tutorial bit so far but it's looking pretty good. The feedback on your surroundings is excellent so you can see the waves of sound of how far away people can hear your footsteps or enemies' field of vision using the MGS light cone. You get bonus points for not being detected or not killing people which will be quite the challenge. Give the trial a go. Oh, also if this had been in the Summer of Arcade, it wouldn't have been seen as such a damp squib.
  14. A bit of background, Thirty Flights of Loving is the game you get if you backed the Idle Thumbs kickstarter. I didn't do that, but it's now up on steam for a few quid. I was blind going in to it, I've never even heard of the prequel only that people were looking forward to this, so I didn't know what to expect. It's a first person game with minimal interaction, a bit like Dear Esther. You go where the game leads you, bewildered as it jump cuts from one scene or time to another. At first it feels a bit like you're missing something in the environment, but it soon clicks that it's an interactive story, full of quick cuts and montages, bouncing through its timeline so you don't know what's going on. Which is where I have a bit of a problem with it. The game kept crashing on me, booting up at the wrong resolution, freezing, so I've seen parts of that game 3 or 4 times, but I still had questions when it finished. I read around a bit about the plot and there's some things I completely missed, nothing that I'm going to spoil here, but stuff that should have been more apparent and cost the experience. To be positive about it, the papercraft style graphics are awesome, the sound is brilliant, and it has some really nice, funny touches to it. I'll give it a 2nd play through to see if what I read was right, and it does include the first game as part of the package (Gravity Bone). I do however feel a tad ripped off, it's cheaper than Dear Esther (although a fraction of the length) and I loved that, so I think it is purely down to one having more impact than the other if you got it through kickstarter then it's definitely an interesting play through. If you didn't then it's still interesting, but maybe not so fantastic that you should rush out and buy it
  15. got a free copy of anomaly warzone earth on xbox the other week, never would have bought it, but turns out it's great, like a backwards tower defence game, you pick your path and tank types/formation, you get money to buy upgrades/new tanks, and you control a little dude who can pickup abilities from fallen enemies, it can get quite tactical picking your path/tank formation/power usage, and frantic when things kick off. there's some enemies that do stuff you wouldn't expect later on that keep it interesting. single player story is quite short but there's quite a few extra missions and 3 difficulties for everything. i found easy difficulty to be well judged for me. so yeah really enjoyed it.
  16. Anyone else playing this? It's bloody brilliant, i've been playing it for 15-20 minutes a day since i got it, it's very intense. I've just started Level 3, Pillars of Light, which introduces my favourite videogame enemy type...spiders. The game itself is a first person dungeon crawling rpg, with a really good balance between exploration, puzzles and combat. If you like Dark Souls you'll love it.
  17. It has been a bit of a breakout hit lately on the PC, or it has seemed like that to me. Games like this are sometimes teased for years but this one just turned up and is getting a lot of attention. This can go in the PC thread but I felt it deserved its own. It's deserved as it's a great return to the classic survival horror of old, mostly inspired by Silent Hill. Actually, it's better at being Silent Hill the recent Silent Hill games. Of course the game is in 2D and uses a very chunky pixel art style. Personally, I don't think it works that well. It's still atmospheric as it still uses quite an advanced lighting technique and the sound is top notch (in fact, the sound is amazing) but I think the chunky pixels do make everything look weirdly cute. But like I said before, the sound, lighting and subject matter does give a constant sense of uneasy-ness; it's just different art style would have added more, I think. I don't want to go into the the story and stuff because it's the mystery of it that is what's great. Apparently, Jasper Byrne, who made it, really went to town in researching mental illnesses and it's through trying to piece together why the game's nameless protagonist experiences these things. Is what's happening actually happening? if not, what's driving these apparitions? Or is it both? It's really rich in weirdness so it could go either or all ways. And it's definitely a survival horror, with emphasis on survival. Ammo for your handgun is rare, batteries need to be stocked up for your torch and you need to keep yourself nourished with food and sleep. I've only failed in keeping on top of a few of these things and it ends up with your man having a breakdown so keep things topped up. I'll give one bit of advice: for ammo, take a blue pill before you sleep. It's been pretty hard, too. You really don't have enough ammo to kill all the enemies so choose wisely if you are going to put one out of its misery. With it being in 2D it's also reminded me how much in common the classic survival horror has with adventure games. If it wasn't for all the scary stuff that's what it would be. Anyway, Lone Survivor is very good and you all should get it; it runs on anything. Go!
  18. Hendo


    I love everything about this but I am stuck like a bastard, fairly early on too. I got as far as where they introduce black holes and I can't get any further.
  19. Dear Esther came out last night, it's a source engine game and as far as I can tell its selling point is how it looks and its atmosphere. I'm not fully clued up on the story, I think that's deliberate, but you have gone to an island in the Hebrides looking for Esther, whoever or whatever that is. Thoughts are given through a spoken diary (not a selectable diary, more you see something and the guy narrates his wistful memories), and you wander round aimlessly for a while. It's not all that aimless though as like Stanley Parable there's only so many paths, if you're meant to be somewhere you'll end up there. But you do walk in to the first house wondering if you're meant to be doing something. It all looks very cold and windy, it reminds me of a few holidays I went on as a kid, and it is dripping with atmosphere thanks to the howls of wind and seamless way the music starts up. I've no idea what it's going to end up being, but the markings on the walls suggest it's not going to stay as plane as it has been. Feels very arthouse and, with all due respect, pointless so far, but it's clearly telling a story so you cant judge it in the first chapter
  20. spatular

    Joe Danger

    so i got this to play while watching the GP, it's pretty good, looks like it might play like trials but really doesn't, there's lots more (and occasionally confusing) controls, and it's all about doing tricks and combos and collecting stuff, rather than just keeping your bike from crashing. each track has various objectives to win stars, such as finding hidden stars, collecting all the small stars, landing on all the targets, doing something in a time limit, comboing the whole level (not quite as hard as it sounds as wheeleing is easy and keeps the combo going, but still will require some heavy memorisation later on) etc. there are checkpoints which help for some of the objectives and for learning the tracks but will be usless for others where you'll just need to start again (like keeping the combo), and there's multiple routes on some levels, where you have to press up/down on the stick/dpad at specific lane change points. despite my moaning the controls are reasonably sensible its just you have to do a lot at the same time: L2/R2 - back/forwards L1/R1 - tricks x - boost square - duck/jump up/down - change lanes right/left - lean/spin forwards/backwards one race i was having trouble winning because while doing tricks and wheeleing as much as possible to get boosts to stay ahead and jumping over obstacles i'd keep forgetting which button was accelerate (i'd be pressing right on the dpad or x when i should be pressing r2) it's great fun boosting while wheeleing into a jump then spinning and doing tricks to charge the next boost while collecting stars and landing on a target then boosting off to the next ramp, but the stomp and spike obstacles have been annoying, especially the things that crush you just after a lane change where its hard to adjust your speed, and some targets it doesn't show you too well with the camera angle. so i've been quite enjoying it but i'm not completely sold yet, i need to get better at the controls. this was quite hyped - did anyone else get it?
  21. Its one of those point and click adventure games for your personal computer and it looks a little like this. It looks exactly like that, pretty ain't it. I know very little about this sort of think but it is different in the way its story is told, there is no dialogue are even words in this game, its all told with short animated scenes, crunches and bleeps from the characters and enviromental stuff, it all tells the tale perfectly, it almost makes me want to stop using language myself. The puzzles, I don't know how to guage these. You have logical puzzles like moving shapes and all that Layton type stuff and you also have your classic inventory item stuff too, this is where I get stuck. At the moment the last thing I managed to get hold of is a dead/stunned robot cat... I know a dude needs some sunflower oil... WTF is all my console raised brain can manage. I was doing okay at it actually, the game starts out as a single puzzle per screen, you solve it and then moved on. I liked that. Later it does open up and all the inventory items build up with a series of characters that want different items and the little robot man shakes his head at everything I try the items on then I go running back to Halo. In all seriousness though it is a good game and one I hope to see to the end, I think I will because it does have a hint system which is pretty much an ingame Gamefaqs, I won't use it too much though....
  22. retroed


    So, who has bought it then? I'm downloading the demo so that I can play it tonight. I have my MS Points at the ready (they arrived today, a sign?), although I'm not that keen on shelling out 1200 on an Arcade game. But, going by Eurogamer's 10/10 review, I think I may have to.
  23. Recommended Indie Games: 8 Ball Pool Champion Abaddon : Retribution Along Came A Spider Arkedo Series 01 JUMP! Arkedo Series 02 SWAP! Arkedo Series 03 PIXEL! Apple Jack Asteroids Do Concern Me AvaGlide Baby Maker Extreme Bad Golf Beat Hazard BlindGiRl Blocks That Matter Blow Breath of Death VII : The Beginning Breeze Chus Dynasty Clover : A Curious Tale Crate Expectations Decimation X Decimation X3 Epic Dungeon Explosionade Flotilla FortressCraft - Chapter 1 Gerbil Physics Gravitron360 Groov HomeSlice & the Zombie Bunnies Hypership Out Of Control I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 Johnny Platform's Biscuit Romp Johnny Platform Saves Christmas! LaserCat Leave Home Miner : Dig Deep Mithra : Episode 1 Monsters (Probably) Stole My Princess Ninja Bros Pixelpix Platypus Prismatic Solid radiangames Crossfire radiangames Crossfire 2 radiangames Fireball radiangames Fluid radiangames JoyJoy radiangames Inferno Run Away! Sequence Score Rush Shoot 1UP Solar 2 Soul Soulcaster Soulcaster 2 Square Off Star Crisis Tank Battles T.E.C. 3001 The TEMPURA of the DEAD Toy Stunt Bike Treasure Treasure: FFEE Vampire Rage Veks & Silence Weapon of Choice Yet Another Zombie Defense Zoomaroom ZP2KX
  24. I bought this ages ago but have only just started playing it. It's a pretty good action RPG - my only memories of Wonderboy (bar Jack Black and KG) are from the simplistic original platformer and one on the Master System that I didn't like because it had stats and shit (like this, really). I think it might have been Dragon's Trap. Oh well, will have to hunt it down. Anyway this is a great little game, it's quite frustrating in places - as soon as you die you go straight back to the title screen, and saving costs you money so it can get quite tough. So far I'm enjoying it and it's something a bit different so I'd recommend it. Here's a bit of gameplay footage to watch.
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