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Maf last won the day on January 11

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About Maf

  • Birthday December 4

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  1. Maf

    The Anime Thread

    Episode 17 of Dragon Ball Daima was fucking incredible.
  2. Maf

    Nintendo News

    It might also be because Nintendo digital prices are generally horrible. Their 1st party stuff is rarely discounted and even when it is the discounts aren’t that good and even when they’re not bad you probably bought it already anyway
  3. Maf

    Sonic Generations

    The Chaos Spear speedrun tech is crazy. I’m not actually sure if I liked it, but it’s interesting. I really like speedruns when the game is still being played but in a hyper fast way, not where entire chunks of the game are being skipped Having said that, the way it works I almost wonder if the devs had it in mind. Because some of the routes it allows you would expect Shadow to fall through the floor or the camera not to follow. But it does work so not sure These levels are wild. But I might be a purist here and prefer the Sonic levels. I don’t really like all of Shadows powers. It’s too many moves for a game so fast. If they made another Sonic game like this where it was more of a basic Sonic move set with the more cinematic approach of these Shadow levels I think it would be awesome
  4. Maf


    What is going on here? This guy just got an e52 off a high card hand and currently has over $1200
  5. I think Hickman did a good job of keeping their relationship similar to that but subtracting the sexism and modernising it. He is still talking down to her. But instead of putting her down for being a woman he is saying, of course I can read your mind I’m a genius. But it’s also got more nuance because he is talking down to her, but clearly he cares he’s just struggling to balance the responsibility of his mission Which is to solve everything
  6. This comic is so beautifully done. A great mix of grand comic sci-fi and classic Marvel interpersonal drama. You can feel the frosty tension of the first panel on the second page without any context or things being said.
  7. Because of the new movie there’s been a lot of clips of the 2000’s FF movies about and it reminds me they are not as bad as people say. Yes, they are crappy, and as stories not very interesting. But there’s fun interplay between the characters. Especially Chris Evan’s who really gives the Human Torch character a lot of energy and effort The other day Marvel had a launch event for this trailer and the cast showed up. Conversely the new guy playing the Human Torch seems done with this already lol. He looks completely unhappy, doesn’t know where to look, feels really awkward (the whole thing was awkward to be fair) I hope at least he gets paid well
  8. The fact this game looks so awesome, it has a really expensive celebrity cast, it’s on Gamepass and retail price is only £40, I feel like there’s a shoe to drop here. It feels like there should be a catch but I can’t see it yet
  9. Putting a jumper on him is smart they probably save money in CGI
  10. One last thing I really think it’s smart how they show Sue’s powers. It’s not just blue bubbles and shit it’s actually light refraction That’s really nice
  11. Superman, FF, Daredevil. All my favourites are coming back, I’m so excited about comic book movie stuff again. There was also a rumour that the Russo’s who did Cap 2, Cap 3, IW and Endgame are going to be involved with the live action X-Men movies. I actually think they’d make a great fit for X-Men EDIT: Also these FF costumes in the movie look so good. That shade of light blue and white is nice. I want a hoodie like that
  12. There’s no way about the effects. The Thing looks perfect and the way Johnny flies around those buildings? Amazing I don’t think lame is the right word, even if I get what you mean. There’s many takes they could for the FF. Sitcom, sci-fi heavy, etc. but I think doing the Jetsons by way of Marvel is a great way to go and I think they’re pulling it off perfect here And the FF were the first people to beat Galactus. They got this My only criticism is The Thing doesn’t sound how I imagined. He’s voice is a bit lighter, and the way he speaks is less dad-joke, cheesy uncle character. But I’ll absolutely take it. They even got him in walking the streets in a trench coat and hat oh, they are going to finally make a great FF film I’m so excited EDIT: Another thing which is great is it doesn’t just feel like Guardians of the Galaxy - again. Which would have been an easy trap to fall in too
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