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Jimboxy last won the day on October 20 2024

Jimboxy had the most liked content!


3,543 Excellent

About Jimboxy

  • Birthday 26/11/1982

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    Board game, games, books, cycling.

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  1. Jimboxy

    Twin Peaks

    Not normally how’d we’d do this, but it seemed better here. David Lynch is DEAD
  2. Yeah this looks pretty cool. The only thing that bothered me is in the opening of the trailer he hit the ground at an incredible rate yet hardly made an impact in the snow, but that’s probably a little pedantic
  3. Yeah I'll join up again. Can't do any worse than this year
  4. You could try and take it up with the moderation team?
  5. I missed the title of this topic and got excited for something new with this guy
  6. Is it still locked to requiring a Facebook/meta account, or did they back down on that? I need to dig my quest 2 out really, what a waste of money that turned out to be
  7. Get you I honed my Time Crisis skills on a 14" CRT, so 17" would probably feel like an upgrade. I must have switched over to 21" at some point though, thinking about it
  8. Is Castle of Illusion for GG the same as the Master System version? I'd imagine it probably is. I loved that game, but remember it being proper hard Brazil really loved the Master System didn't they https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_of_Illusion_Starring_Mickey_Mouse
  9. Jimboxy


    It's certainly ended mine over the last couple of days. I've had this for months but only started it a few nights ago and absolutely love it. I managed my first complete run last night with the green deck, and managed to get to the final level with the red deck. I've been mainly focusing on small hand builds, the half joker is good for this I've found. I'm also trying to do runs where I switch or add more cards of the same suit and try and manipulate the deck to consistently draw face cards, still working on this though. GotY
  10. And boy has it done well
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