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  1. Come on man, you probably took more time writing that message than it would take to google..
  2. Stunt Race FX ????? Deadly Premonition 2 ??? So much great stuff tonight. Too much to take in at bed time.
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  3. Random comic book stuff I thought was interesting? Guess who’s coming back lol They’re also doing this Conan 2099? Never one to miss a trick, with the newest wave of hype raising the X-Men back there must also come...a billion new X-Men titles sigh Garth Ennis is returning to the Punisher, this time Castle is going after the Russian mob? I don’t really care about Punisher at all but Ennis is doing it well we will have to see DC’s Young Animal imprint is getting a resurgence with several titles, this one is Far Sector...a Green Lantern book? Both the cover and the description is quite interesting Nothing right now so squarely falls in to my venn diagram of non-interest such as Black Label and Harley Quinn but this cover is so fucking good you know, shame on me, I guess He Man and the Masters of the Multiverse. Yeah. Last year (This year?) Marvel got the Conan rights and made him part of the comic book universe, is DC going to do the same here?
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  4. Well that's nice but how do you like these apples Fucking crushed that little asshole kid running around. Hopefully he runs his way under a car (so many resets... ??)
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  5. Torchlight 2 unlocked today. Also bought Binding of Isaac and Axiom Verge digitally in the sales.
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  6. Being able to play the game at triple speed sure makes drawing a lot less tedious. You can just set the cursor to memory and hold down x as well. For some reason if you were playing 7&9 at triple speed it wouldn't let you hold down the select button to attack in battles, you had to tap it. Idiots. I'm just about to head to Timber and taking a bit of a break because the longer it takes for Rinoa to come into the game, the better. I like to shit on this game a lot and that partly comes down to me always knowing someone who likes it so much. So I enjoy pointing out how awful Squall is. But you know, it's actually a pretty cool game. It has the best intro of the 3 ps1 games and it's so brash and confident. The intro plays and then FINAL FANTASY VIII and SQUARESOFT flash up on screen with sword clanging sounds like you damn right bitch, we made this! Then Squall gets his face cut up and there is blood everywhere and the game is telling you (That is young boy you) that it is about to treat you like a grown up so strap yourself in bitch. That was so important back in the day and kind of lost now in a sea of ultra violence and photorealistic boob vein. The limit breaks are still the worst though. Maybe. They were shit in IX as well. At least you have some degree of control here. No, they are shit, I have decided.
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  7. This is £2.50 at the minute so I picked it up. What I wasn't really expecting was that it's kind of hard? Maybe I'm missing something but there's a couple of things I've tried on it that I just can't do, not helped that the controls seem backwards to me. The general set up is that it's Tony Hawk (on a scooter) meets Splatoon. So you need to Scoot around pulling off tricks, which earns you points, but quite often the way you win is to fling more paint around than everyone else. The level I'm struggling with, which I think you can just not do, is that, only one of the racers infects other people with his colour (you too if you aren't careful), meaning he's potentially got 4 other people colouring in the map, I've managed 2nd on it once Another event is picking up crayons, you get an indicator to show where to look which helps, the controls are more of an enemy there. Which brings me to that. Jump is on the analogue stick, down then up (or just tap up), boost is on B. The tricks are also on the analogue stick rather than face buttons, I think my old man brain still remembers jump in this kind of game being a button press, I'd rather that. Progress is 2-fold as far as I can tell. You earn medals for winning events, but levelling up gets you challenged, beat the racer who has challenged you and you climb the leader board, plus you open up new worlds to race events in The other issues are the loading and generally how long it takes to get in to an event. I'd rathe menus than a hub world really. It's not bad though, more work than I expected or wanted so I probably won't stick with it. I might try it on the tv at some point and see if that's a better experience than handheld
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